Sullivan Expresses No Confidence in Attorney General Holder


Date: May 30, 2012
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Guns

Today, Congressman John Sullivan announced his full support for a resolution of no confidence in Attorney General Eric Holder. Sullivan signed on as a cosponsor of H.Res. 490, a resolution which expresses that the United States House of Representatives has no confidence in Attorney General Holder following his mismanagement of the operation "fast and furious" scandal. Sullivan has previously called on Attorney General Holder to resign, and also voted to ensure taxpayer money cannot be used by the Department of Justice or any federal agency to stonewall a congressional investigation.

"Attorney General Holder has mislead, stonewalled and flat out lied to Congress over operation fast and furious -- we are in the middle of a Congressional investigation and if our nation's top law enforcement official won't cooperate, he needs to be replaced immediately with someone who will. The guns linked to operation fast and furious have been responsible for numerous deaths -- including United States Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry -- but not a single high-ranking official has even been reprimanded for it. The American people deserve some answers over this and I will not stand down until we get to the bottom of how such a reckless operation was allowed to happen in the first place."
